Nonfiction Books

Monday, April 23, 2012


I hope you all enjoy these video profiles. I think they are great!

There is something about visually seeing a profile that makes writing a lot more challenging, but very interesting. A couple things Paul and I want you guys to keep in mind when commenting on the questions posted are what will help you all when you write your profiles:

-Think about how the video captures stillness. What do you listen to/observe when there is no sound? How would you write it in a scene?

-Think about how the dialogue correlates to the descriptions of the scenes, and the mood that they both set throughout the video. Let the visuals around you help you create the right questions for interviewing in order to get that dialogue you need.

Enjoy guys!

1 comment:

  1. Maureen,

    I agree, these videos are fabulous! I really enjoyed watching them and considering your discussion questions. Specifically, I think it's really interesting how the videos capture "stillness." Some of the frames looked more like free-standing photos than parts of a video. These pieces really gave me some good ideas for my audio/visual piece and inspiration on how to balance sound and image.
    I think that the mood set throughout the videos is also an important aspect to touch on. The combination of music, lighting, natural sound, and dialogue work together to create the mood of the piece.
    While these videos were great to watch, I think they almost make me, as a writer, envious. There is so much said sans-dialogue that I have to figure out how to say with my word choices. These pieces definitely give me a lot to think about.
